picoCTF 2017: Weird RSA

問題 問題文 We recovered some data. It was labeled as RSA, but what in the world are dq and dp Can you decrypt the ciphertext for us 問題概要 解答例 指針 中国人剰余定理 解説 与えられたファイルの中身を表示してみる. $ cat RSA.txt c: 95272795…

SECCON2017 Online CTF: Ps and Qs

問題 問題文 Ps and Qs Decrypt it. update: we fixed the flag, please try to submit again. (pass:seccon2017) 問題ファイルは下記のリンクのものを利用できる。 https://gi…

AlexCTF: CR3 What is this encryption?

問題 問題文 Fady assumed this time that you will be so n00b to tell what encryption he is using he send the following note to his friend in plain sight : p=0xa6055ec186de51800ddd6fcbf0192384ff42d707a55f57af4fcfb0d1dc7bd97055e8275cd4b78ec63…