問題 問題文 Let's start off simple, can you overflow the right buffer in this program to get the flag? You can also find it in /problems/buffer-overflow-0_2_aab3d2a22456675a9f9c29783b256a3d on the shell server. Source. Hints How can you tr…
問題 問題文 http://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=1625&lang=jp 問題概要 幅 n, 高さ m の長方形の紙が与えられる. (n, m は32以下の正整数) 紙を t回折る操作をした後 p 回穴を開ける. (t, p は20 以下の正整数) t 組の d_i, c_i が…
問題 問題文 Can you utlize stdin, stdout, and stderr to get the flag from this program? You can also find it in /problems/in-out-error_4_c51f68457d8543c835331292b7f332d2 on the shell server Hints Maybe you can split the stdout and stderr o…