buffer overflow
問題 問題文 This program gives you the address of some system calls. Can you get a shell? You can find the program in /problems/got-2-learn-libc_3_6e9881e9ff61c814aafaf92921e88e33 on the shell server. Source. Hints try returning to systems…
問題 問題文 Alright, this time you'll need to control some arguments. Can you get the flag from this program? You can find it in /problems/buffer-overflow-2_4_ca1cb0da49310dd45c811348a235d257 on the shell server. Source. Hints Try using gd…
問題 問題文 It's 1996 all over again! nc 22227 Difficulty estimate: very easy 問題概要 x86_64 の ELF ファイルとそのソースコードおよびそのプログラムが動いている接続先が与えられる. 解答例 指針 buffer overflow による return addr…
問題 問題文 Can you authenticate to this service and get the flag? Connect with nc 2018shell2.picoctf.com 23685. Source. Hints: Are all the system calls being used safely? Some people can have reallllllly long names you know.. 問題概要 脆…
問題 問題文 Okay now you're cooking! This time can you overflow the buffer and return to the flag function in this program? You can find it in /problems/buffer-overflow-1_1_8a16ff6a1b3cfb2e42c08d9090051a5d on the shell server. Source. Hint…
問題 問題文 Let's start off simple, can you overflow the right buffer in this program to get the flag? You can also find it in /problems/buffer-overflow-0_2_aab3d2a22456675a9f9c29783b256a3d on the shell server. Source. Hints How can you tr…